Mitigating SSRF in 2023

SSRF surfer

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to trick a server-side application to make a request to an unintended location. SSRF, unlike most other specific vulnerabilities, has gained its own spot on the OWASP Top 10 2021. This reflects both how common and how impactful this type of vulnerability has become. … Read more

Hacking Unity Games with Malicious GameObjects, Part 2

In my last post I talked about a way I found to execute arbitrary code in Unity using no custom scripts, only built-in components. This allowed potential attacks against Unity games that load AssetBundles from untrusted sources since, although AssetBundles can’t include custom scripts, they can include GameObjects containing these built-in components. The attack I outlined in that blog used UnityEvents, which are primarily exposed via Unity’s built-in UI elements, but the attack required user interaction to trigger.

In this post I am going to discuss a zero-click method of triggering UnityEvents, along with some additional things I’ve learned on this topic. I will also introduce a new exploit that does not use UnityEvents and removes one of the limitations of the UnityEvent-based attack (while adding limitations of its own). Finally, I will give some updated remediation thoughts.

Reverse Engineering Windows Printer Drivers (Part 2)

In our blog last post (Part 1), we discussed how you can find and extract drivers from executables and other packages and the general methodology for confirming that drivers are loaded and ready. We also highlighted the Windows driver architecture. In this post, we’ll focus on an introduction to the driver architecture, basics of reverse … Read more

Reverse Engineering Windows Printer Drivers (Part 1)

Note: This is Part 1 in a series of posts discussing security analysis of printer drivers extracted and installed from public resources. This part explains how we located publicly available drivers distributed by WeWork and conducted initial analysis. Part 2 come shortly after and will cover our exploration with in-depth technical details about how Windows … Read more

Hunting For Mass Assignment Vulnerabilities Using GitHub CodeSearch and

Hacked freeCodeCamp Certification

This post discusses the process of searching top GitHub projects for mass assignment vulnerabilities. This led to a fun finding in the #1 most starred GitHub project, freeCodeCamp, where I was able to acquire every coding certification – supposedly representing over 6000 hours of study – in a single request. Searching GitHub For Vulnerabilities With … Read more